Last week's notices


Priest-in-Charge:  The Revd Canon Chris Wilton 01977 682122

Assistant Curates:  Fr Peter Townley 07515 998956

Revd Caroline Comer-Stone 07775 868189

The Revd Wendy Plant 07803 125389

Associate Priest:  The Revd Nick Plant 0113 287 6064

Reader:  Mr Norman Sutcliffe 0113 281 3460

Benefices Administrator:  Mrs Angie Wilton 01977 682122, 07866 801046,

22 October 2023
Proper 24)(Year A)
please remember to keep the last five minutes before the services, and especially the time during the administration of Holy Communion, for quiet prayer and reflection
(a bell will be rung before the main service at Sherburn)

A special welcome today to Rose Denise Jay Scuffham and Elliott Geoffrey Tebbs being baptised at Sherburn, and to all their families and friends.

Thank you to all who helped with and attended the coffee morning in aid of Martin House at Ledsham on Friday.

Congratulations to John Potts and Joan Wilson who were married at Sherburn on Thursday 28 September!  Our very best wishes for their future happiness together.

The Micklefield Harvest Supper at Churchville House has so far raised £84 for the Red Cross Flood Relief in Libya – still time to make a donation!

Morning Prayer:  -- 9.30am, Tuesdays (Aberford).
Evening Prayer:  -- 5:15pm, Tuesdays, Thursday and Fridays (Sherburn).

Day by Day book (Sherburn):
26 October - wedding of Letitia Smith & Fred Storer;
26 October - wedding of John & Ruth Flockton (1963);
28 October - Rosamond Patricia Jackson (born 7.4.46, died 28.10.18) remembering a very dear sister, by Rosemary Garton. 
Forms at back of church for new entries.

Your prayers are asked for those who are ill: 
Saxton with Towton: June Pick. 
Aberford: Margaret Taylor, Lauren Ward. 
Micklefield: Michael Needham, Jennifer Hudson, Maggie Moss, June Kelly, Philip Rhodes, Brenda Law.
Sherburn & Barkston Ash: Jean Keeling, Dorothy Mills, Greta Wilkinson, Hilary Bower, Emily Barrie, Sandra Jackson, Jacqui Jolleys, Yvonne Lawton, Peter Thompson,, Peter McCleave, Jessie Vause, Mike Barnard, Julie Priston, Sally Bunney, Janet Burgis, June Sams, Doreen, Molly Hoyle, Stuart Richardson, Nicola Cundy, Dawn Allum, Stephen Fletcher, David Buszard, Rose & Poppy Brown, Margaret Smallwood, Sue Flaherty, Helen Eyres, Ken & Brenda Hawlor, Virginia Chard.
Please tell Angie of any amendments, or of anyone wishing to receive home communion..

We pray for those who have died recently: Kathleen Broadhurst (63); Peter John Brindle, priest (76), Linda Annette Perry (82); Michael Sydney Halton (87), Michael Charles North (Mick) (74), Kenneth 'Ken' Pick (91); Christopher Juckes (70) [funeral Mon 30 Oct, Oakley Wood crem], Julie Lawn; Robert Lawrence Braithwaite (82); Antony Richard Mather (72); Ian Firth (82) [funeral Fri 17 Nov, 1.40pm, York crem], Stuart Arthur Marshal (73) [d 24 May 2022]; Robert Digby Lamb (98) [d 30 Aug 2023].

Years Mind: Susan Oates
May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

 D I A R Y 

Today, 22 October

 12.45pm  Holy Baptisms (Sherburn)
  6.30pm  Compline (Sherburn)

Monday 23

 10.00am  Funeral of Kenneth 'Ken' Pick (Saxton) followed by cremation at York
  7.30pm  Ecumenical Fellowship meeting at John & Jenny Bennett's (contact 01977 682958 for address), this week being reflection and prayer. All are welcome.

Tuesday 24

  9.15am  Aberford School Harvest Festival in church
 11.00am  Funeral of Antony Richard Mather (Saxton) followed by interment in the churchyard
  2.00pm  Micklefield School Harvest Festival in church
  7.00pm  Bell ringing practice (Sherburn)

Wednesday 25
Crispin & Crispinian

  9.30am  Midweek Eucharist (Micklefield)
  7.15pm  Midweek Eucharist (Sherburn)
  8.00pm  Sherburn Standing Committee meeting(Vestry) postponed from last week

Thursday 26
Alfred; Cedd

  6.55pm for 7.00pm Choir Practice (Sherburn)

Friday 27

 10.00am  Selby Food Bank run from Saxton and Sherburn

Saturday 28

 10.00am  Interment of ashes of Linda Annette Perry (Sherburn)
 11.00am  Interment of ashes of Stuart Arthur Marshall (Sherburn)
 12 noon  Interment of ashes of Robert Digby Lamb (Sherburn)


Worship next Sunday, 29 October 2023
don't forget the clocks go back!

(although a Fifth Sunday, all morning services are as for a First Sunday)
  9.15am  Family Service (Barkston)
  9.15am  Eucharist (Saxton)
  9.15am  Eucharist (Micklefield)
 10.45am  Eucharist (Ledsham)
 10.45am  First Sunday Service (Sherburn)
 10.45am  Eucharist (Aberford)
  6.30pm  Annual Memorial Service (Sherburn)

• Selby Food Bank: Donation boxes in Sherburn Vicarage porch – next collection is this Friday, 27 October - and at the back of Micklefield church (plus box for used stamps for Martin House), church open Wed-Sun 10am-4pm.

• Sunday 29 October, 6.30pm, Sherburn: Annual Memorial Service, remembering those who have died over the past year.  If you have loved ones who died at any other time whom you wish to be remembered in the service, please tell Angie in writing (on paper or email, but please, NOT texts,)

• Sunday 5 November:  sadly the Confirmation Service has had to be CANCELLED.  Instead, there will be a Benefices Sung Eucharist at Sherburn at 10.45am, NO other services that day.

• Friday 24 November, 7.30pm, Quiz Night, Sherburn Church Hall.  Tickets £10 including pie & peas supper, available from Ken.  As usual, please bring your own drinks and snacks.

• Sunday 26 November:  Sherburn  Christmas Prize Draw in the Church Hall, following the 10.45am service.  Tickets available from Ken.  Please take as many as you can to sell to as many as you can, wherever you can!!

• Friday 1 December, Sherburn church:  concert by Knottingley Silver Band.  More details later.

 Flower donor & arranger rota (Sherburn)
22 October Margaret Long Joan Mackin
29 October Avril Evans Susan Cox
5 November Donna Carter Cora Allen
12 November Remembrance Sunday (* poppies *)
 Flowers are £20 per week, given to Angie by the end of the preceding month please.
 Flower Coordinator Lizzy Allanson (07738 832445)


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